January 2013

Trees, whilst still dark outside, but getting lighter.-ipad

Part of the ' insomnia works'. Silhouetted trees against the still dark skies,but drawn 15 minutes after initial drawing.
viewed from the dining room at silly-oclock. again, drawn for no other reason,
than the joy of observational drawing.

Trees, whilst still dark outside.- iPad

Part of the ' insomnia works'. Silhouetted trees against the still dark skies,
viewed from the dining room at silly-oclock. again, drawn for no other reason,
than the joy of observational drawing.

High street, Ringstead viewed from home interior. iPad

Observational drawing on ipad, for no reason other than the joy
of drawing and capturing a moment.

Stiffkey, cockle harvesters 1V. - conte crayon on paper

Preparatory drawing in conte crayon, for ink painting of same title.This was drawn
quickly serving as a rough guide for both pictorial composition and colour.

Sunrise over Wards Nursery, Ringstead- ipad

This is an iPad drawing, which was executed whilst
observing the sunrise through my Kitchen window.
This will form part of a body of work, whose working
title will be, ' the insomnia works', as it was 6.30 am
when i witnessed this spectacular sunrise
